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here are two of our favorites worth sharing.
** Your Money
Many tax forms get corrections. Corrected 1099s, for example, are very common, and the last correction cycle begins on March 22 this year!
Corrections happen because mutual and exchange-traded funds are complex vehicles with many underlying investments. Before determining annual income, fund companies must gather information from all those underlying investments, consolidate them, and provide that information to Charles Schwab. (This isn't unique to Schwab; the same thing happens at Merrill, Fidelity, Vanguard, etc.) The process of assigning income between interest, dividends, qualified dividends, capital gain distributions, and return of capital adds to the complexity. Schwab then totals the values of all your investment income and presents it to you in tax form 1099. If any investment company makes an error along the way, or if there are changes in classification on the type of underlying investment income, a revised 1099 form gets issued.
A little patience will save you some grief and maybe a little money. Here are the tax document deadlines for Charles Schwab and an article with seven reasons not to file your tax return early.
Charles Schwab 1099 Dashboard: www.schwaballiance.com (https://client.schwab.com/Login/SignOn/CustomerCenterLogin.aspx?&kc=y∼=y)
* First Production Run - February 2, 2024
* Second Production Run - February 16, 2024
* First Correction Cycle - March 1, 2024
* Second Correction Cycle - March 15, 2024
* Third Correction Cycle - March 22, 2024
If you're expecting a K-1 from a partnership interest, you should file for an extension because final K-1 statements may arrive as late as October.
7 Reasons Not To File Your Taxes Early, Even If You'll Get A Refund (https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2015/02/10/7-reasons-not-to-file-your-taxes-early-even-if-youll-get-a-refund/?sh=1d11556e37ea)
by Robert Wood
** Your Life
Exercise of any type can support our immune system and boost our mental health. However, the key benefits of walking are its simplicity, accessibility, and versatility, making it a practical and beneficial exercise for any age. Walking can reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses such as dementia and certain cancers. Sometimes, it helps improve health conditions such as type-2 diabetes. A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology last year showed that walking at least 3,967 steps a day reduces the risk of dying from any cause, while walking 2,337 steps daily reduces the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Another 2019 study published in JAMA Neurology found that around 8,900 steps per day appeared to slow rates of cognitive decline and brain volume loss in people at high risk. However, what is the “magic” number of how many daily steps we need to walk? According to expert Lindsay Bottoms, breaking up the day by walking is key, and aiming for 7,000 steps
daily is a good goal. If you aren’t reaching this, increase your daily steps by about 1,000. The primary objective is to remain active throughout the day. The World Health Organization recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week (or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise) and at least two muscle-strengthening sessions.
What Science Says About Walking 10,000 or 20,000 Steps a Day (https://www.newsweek.com/science-walking-10000-steps-day-exercise-1865964)
by Pandora Dewan
** Complexity Simplified
As you exercise your body, don’t forget the importance of exercising your brain. This is particularly important as you age. Jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, chess, and other problem-solving and memory games that stimulate your brain aren’t just fun—they may produce lasting benefits. A 2014 study found brain exercises helped older adults maintain reasoning skills and speed of cognition ten years after the research period ended.
A brain exercise is any activity that engages your cognitive skills. Online brain games are popular and offer various imaginative exercises designed to challenge your memory, focus, and problem-solving skills. Tactile games like bingo, jigsaw puzzles, and hobbies like model building also stimulate essential memory skills. The key is that they must be challenging but manageable. Here are six brain exercises to try at home now.
6 Brain Exercises For Seniors To Try (https://www.forbes.com/health/healthy-aging/brain-exercises/)
by Nicole Gregory
** Trivia
A: Bakery
Q: What were the two sides in World War II known as?
** Back in 1989, this song reached #1
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