*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* https://preservewm.com We've been keeping up with the latest headlines... here are two of our favorites worth sharing. ** Your Money ------------------------------------------------------------ The end of the year is the perfect time to review your financial planning needs. And with family getting together, it might also be the ideal time to broach some of those awkward money conversations. This checklist can help you review year-end tax planning opportunities and manage your legal documents so that you're ready to tackle 2024 no matter what it brings. I hope my kids don't read tip #7: Consider fully utilizing your annual exclusion for making gifts. The annual exclusion gifting amount for 2023 is $17,000 per recipient. You can give up to the annual exclusion amount each year to as many people as you want without triggering gift taxes. Please feel free to ask me for more information on any of the checklist items. We may also want to bring your tax professional and estate attorney into the conversation. Year-End Estate Planning Checklist (https://www.schwabassetmanagement.com/content/year-end-estate-planning-checklist-2023?segment=advisor&mkt_tok=MTUzLUhSWS0xOTQAAAGPsj4KoCzx0DFeVKHGGTZdxGCeGHVRsPR9uivL97V0MsZlilrVwPdYWGv69Ik7qpN_rBhL_ihvP-sGgiQETUr6XZsXidAZoN5VMMxeCGzesvwa7Q) source: Schwab Center for Financial Research ** Your Life ------------------------------------------------------------ Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in all your body's cells. Blood cholesterol is essential for good health, making hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods. Cholesterol comes from two sources. Your liver makes all the cholesterol you need. The remainder of the cholesterol in your body comes from foods from animals and animal sources, such as egg yolks, meat, and cheese. Cholesterol travels through your blood silently. If you have too much cholesterol in your blood, it can combine with other substances in the blood to form plaque. Plaque sticks to the walls of your arteries and forms also silently. This buildup of plaque is known as atherosclerosis. It can lead to coronary artery disease, where your coronary arteries become narrow or even blocked. Cholesterol numbers show how much cholesterol is circulating in your blood—which helps you know your risk for heart disease. Your HDL ("good" cholesterol) is the one number you want to be high (ideally above 60). Your LDL ("bad" cholesterol) should be below 100. Your total should be below 200. You can live for many years with high cholesterol and not even know it. That's why it's essential to get your cholesterol numbers checked regularly. If your cholesterol numbers are too high (hyperlipidemia), that's a red flag for you and your healthcare provider. High cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease, but catching it early allows you to make changes and get your cholesterol to a healthy level. Read on for more information. Cholesterol Numbers and What They Mean (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/11920-cholesterol-numbers-what-do-they-mean) source: Cleveland Clinic https://www.linkedin.com/in/danheth/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosalynn-harvey-heth-mpa-ceps-3a3aa3191/ ** Complexity Simplified ------------------------------------------------------------ It’s so easy to get high cholesterol—especially around the holidays with events full of delicious but fatty foods. I’m not saying you should give up enjoying the holidays, but, as with all things, enjoy the rich foods in moderation and add simple exercises such as walking whenever possible. Then, incorporate these 12 habits into your daily living to lower your cholesterol. Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol (https://familydoctor.org/lifestyle-changes-improve-cholesterol/#:~:text=Being%20overweight%20can%20raise%20your,Smoking%20lowers%20your%20HDL%20cholesterol) by Peter Rippey ** Trivia ------------------------------------------------------------ A: Pigeon Q: Which female singer discovered a ‘Genie in a Bottle’ in 1999? https://youtu.be/w1F5BLLFAeM?feature=shared ** Back in 1977, this song reached #1 ------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================ ** Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/preservewm) ** Twitter (https://twitter.com/preservewm) ** LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/preservewm/about/) Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved. This email was sent to *|EMAIL|* (mailto:*|EMAIL|*) why did I get this? (*|ABOUT_LIST|*) unsubscribe from this list (*|UNSUB|*) update subscription preferences (*|UPDATE_PROFILE|*) *|LIST_ADDRESSLINE_TEXT|* *|REWARDS_TEXT|*

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