*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* https://preservewm.com We've been keeping up with the latest headlines... here are two of our favorites worth sharing. ** Your Money ------------------------------------------------------------ Without earnings calls from big-name companies, market watchers and headline writers tend to magnify the attention given to economic data. Perhaps now more than ever because the Federal Reserve policy committee labeled itself data-dependent. This week's two big reports are the consumer price index on Wednesday and the producer price index on Thursday. Here's a quick primer on what they are and what they mean: Consumer Price Index (CPI) CPI measures the change in average prices paid by consumers for a set of goods and services that represent regular expenses, like groceries or gas. This is the standard measure for inflation. A number on Wednesday that is in line or below expectations could give the Fed more reason to pause or end interest rate hikes. Of course, the opposite is also true. Core-CPI Because food and energy prices fluctuate more than all the other components, they can skew the index results. Core-CPI is a subset of CPI, and it measures price changes for all items except food and energy. Producer Price Index (PPI) PPI focuses on the price change from the seller's point of view, considering how much sellers pay producers for their goods. This index tracks average price changes for domestically produced goods, services, and construction. A number on Thursday that is in line or below expectations could give the Fed more reason to pause or end interest rate hikes. 10-year Treasury yield rises as investors look ahead to key inflation data (https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/11/us-treasury-yields-investors-look-to-key-inflation-data.html?&qsearchterm=key%20inflation%20data) by Sarah Min and Sophie Kinderlin ** Your Life ------------------------------------------------------------ This Monday, Sept 11, 2023, marks the 22nd anniversary of the day that terrorism gripped this country, resulting in the loss of almost 3,000 lives in a matter of hours in the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and a field in Somerset County, PA. A total of 2,753 people were reported missing in lower Manhattan after the attacks on the World Trade Center. To this day, 40% of the victims, or about 1,100 people thought to have died in the disaster, remain unidentified. Recently, two victims, the first identification in two years, have been identified using DNA. If you are unable to attend any memorial event, please take a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives and/or give a donation (no matter what amount) to your local fire department, first responder units, or directly to charities that continue to help victims and their families. We must never forget the people who lost their lives and their families' continuous pain and hardships. We must also remember the love and unity that bound us all during that time. Strangers reaching out to strangers. Signs everywhere of support. Even though it may not seem so, there really is more that binds us than separates us. Two new 9/11 victims identified, the first identifications in two years (https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/08/us/september-11-new-victim-identifications/index.html) by Kristina Sgueglia and Zoe Sottile https://www.linkedin.com/in/danheth/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosalynn-harvey-heth-mpa-ceps-3a3aa3191/ ** Complexity Simplified ------------------------------------------------------------ There are proper ways to display and respect the American flag. In 1923, the US National Flag Code was created and distributed nationwide. The code became Public Law in 1942 and became the US Flag Code we know today. Here is a good refresher of the Do’s and Don’ts. Lastly, to dispose of worn-out US flags, you can drop them off at police stations, state or county government offices, and Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion posts. Do's and Don'ts for Displaying Old Glory (https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/story/Article/1892936/dos-and-donts-for-displaying-old-glory/#:~:text=The%20flag%20should%20never%20be,merchandise%20and%20even%20the%20floor) by Susan H. Lawson ** Trivia ------------------------------------------------------------ A: Pocahontas Q: What character did Michael J. Fox play in ‘Back to the Future’? https://youtu.be/VnXbGrAszJ0?feature=shared ** Back in 1994, this song reached #1 ------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================ ** Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/preservewm) ** Twitter (https://twitter.com/preservewm) ** LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/preservewm/about/) Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved. This email was sent to *|EMAIL|* (mailto:*|EMAIL|*) why did I get this? 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