Will Fundamentals Outweigh Fear?

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We've been keeping up with the latest headlines...
here are two of our favorites worth sharing.

Your Money

After 1,000 point drops in the Dow Jones the last two consecutive Fridays, there is no shortage of nerve-racking headlines out there.

But for this newsletter, I wanted to share some counterpoints from a recent call I was on with Guggenheim Investments entitled Will Fundamentals Outweigh Fear? Specifically, I wanted to share two contrarian buy signals to comfort even the long-term investors who focus on fundamentals over momentum.
  • Signal #1: Extreme worry is a buy sign, and measured fear is at a 25-year high. When things look like they can never get better, they usually do.
  • Signal #2: Take a historical perspective on mid-term election years. For several reasons, 2022 could be second-half-loaded...mid-term bounce back is just one.

I'm happy to discuss the whole conference call and other sources that echo the emphasis on fundamentals. It's why we believe the stock market will not only recover its losses but post a competitive positive return. Just drop me a line and we'll schedule some time to talk about it.

Your Life

It’s the age of technology with smartphones and digital everything. So, it’s no surprise (and it actually seems late) that States are considering the use of digital versions of our driver’s licenses stored in our smartphones. This article is a bit old but thorough on what it is, the benefits, the downsides, etc. Since it was printed, AZ had been the first state to accept digital driver's licenses. In addition, TSA is also accepting them. Up to 30 states are considering digital driver's licenses.

Digital driver’s licenses take the sting out of forgetting your wallet.
by Chris Velazco

Complexity Simplified

Harvard Health writes that different foods lower cholesterol in various ways. Some deliver soluble fiber, which binds cholesterol and its precursors in the digestive system and drags them out of the body before they get into circulation. Some give you polyunsaturated fats, which directly lower LDL. Still others contain plant sterols and stanols, which block the body from absorbing cholesterol. The best way to achieve a low cholesterol diet is to add foods that lower LDL, the harmful cholesterol-carrying particle that contributes to artery-clogging atherosclerosis. Here is a list of 11 foods that lower cholesterol.

11 foods that lower cholesterol
source: Harvard Health


A: HMS Beagle
Q: In which film did father and son actors Will and Jaden Smith first appear together?

Back in 1990, this song reached #1

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