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We've been keeping up with the latest headlines...
here are two of our favorites worth sharing.

Your Money

Have you ever heard of an encore career? Coined in a book by Marc Freedman, an encore career refers to beginning a new vocation at a later age, typically after regular retirement from a prior career. Encores are usually motivated by social impact and personal fulfillment rather than economic factors.

At the top of the list are careers where one can share their accumulated wisdom and knowledge, like:

  • Teacher
  • Consultant
  • Tutor
  • Coach

Add "General Expert" to the list in today's gig economy. Join Quora or Reddit to answer questions on any conceivable subject out of the goodness of your heart. But why do that when you can get paid for your answers? Here is a list of fifteen websites where you can opine from the comfort of your home and get paid to answer questions like only you know how.

Get Paid To Answer Questions: 15 Best Websites To Make Money Online
by Sudha Subramanian

Your Life

Traveling without your partner is one trick to a great marriage. More married people are booking travel for one. Spouses have long split up to travel on girls’ getaways or guys’ weekends. Now, travel companies, advisers, and travelers say solo vacations have become a booming business for all kinds of trips. More people have even booked big bucket-list adventures like African safaris or cruises to Antarctica on their own. The trend is especially pronounced among retired couples. In 2023, people 55 and over traveled without their significant other 46% more than those in that age group did the previous year. Most married solo travelers are women whose spouses are either not interested in travel or aren’t physically able to. Solo travelers sometimes pay more for single rooms but often save overall compared to the cost of two flights and meals. Having one partner stay home to care for pets also helps save on overall costs.

The Trick to a Great Marriage: Vacation Without Your Partner
by Allison Pohle

Complexity Simplified

Remember a time when there was only one way to boil an egg? Well, social media platforms have posted numerous unique ways to boil an egg. The ways seem endless, from baking to microwaving to puncturing a hole before boiling. Still, there are questions. Do you put the egg(s) in cold water on the stove and then start the timer? What if the water stops boiling when you put the egg in? When do you start the timer? So much stress. So much over-thinking. Here’s one blogger’s idea and explanations. Easy peasy.

How to boil eggs
by Nagi @recipetineats


A: 2
Q: What vitamin does the sun’s ultraviolet rays help the skin produce?

Back in 1950, this song reached #1

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