Top 10 COVID trends that will change aging and retirement

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There was some incredibly good news over the last week with data released on two promising COVID vaccines. But even when we get to the point where we feel "back to normal," there has been an acceleration of some trends that are probably here to stay.

This article dives into ten trends the author believes will completely shift the way Americans view aging and retirement. Some make a lot of sense and you will likely find yourself saying, "Yep, that's me." And some have surprising outcomes like the prediction that 30% of nursing homes file for bankruptcy as the desire age at home is backed by new government incentives to do so.

Top 10 COVID trends that will change aging and retirement
by Anne Tergesen

Your Life

For the longest time, Black Friday has been a big sale extravaganza on the Friday after Thanksgiving signaling the start of the Holiday Shopping Season.  According to the National Retail Federation, Americans spent about $730 billion on holiday purchases during November and December of 2019--which was a 4% increase over 2018 sales.

This year, Black Friday will be a little different.  First of all, it's no longer a one-day event.  Instead, it has already started with sales and advertisement in stores throughout the US.  There will be just as many deals online as there are in stores.  Due to COVID-19 and social distancing, stores are limiting and monitoring the number of customers in their stores. So, if you go to a store, plan on long lines with people spaced appropriately waiting their turn to get in.

Also, for the first time, it is anticipated that Cyber Monday may surpass Black Friday. Many major department stores are planning to close on Thanksgiving Day.  Lastly, with spiking numbers of COVID-19 infections coupled with the flu season and struggling economics of unemployment, experts say that people will likely start buying later and buying less as they juggle the uncertainty of their financial outlook.

7 ways COVID-19 has changed holiday shopping
by Michael Mosier

Complexity Simplified

A reminder that as we barrel towards the end of 2020, don't forget to look at the current reward points on your credit card rewards program.  They might be significant enough to offset out-of-pocket expenses for your gift-buying budget.  At the very least, if you have points that expire on December 31, 2020, don't forget to use those them so you don't lose them!  #FreeMoneyIsFreeMoney


A: Lady Gaga
Q: The only known monotremes in the animal kingdom are the echidna and which other creature?

Back in 1975, this song reached #1

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