Out of Sight, Out of Mind and Out of Money

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here are two of our favorites worth sharing.

Your Money

The 401(k) is America's most popular retirement savings account. But that doesn't mean account owners treat them with the love they deserve. In fact, many 401(k) accounts are abandoned and forgotten. Job changers have left behind nearly 30 million 401(k)s or similar retirement funds at old jobs, totaling $1.65 trillion in "left behind" money.

The money in those accounts is always theirs, but when folks rediscover them, they often find them seriously diminished or completely drained by high fees and low investment returns. Employers can force out old balances under $1,000, withholding 20% for taxes and penalties. They can also roll out balances between $1,001 and $7,000 to an IRA in the person's name.

Sometimes, it makes sense to keep a large retirement account balance at an old job, but, in my opinion, an IRA Rollover is the best place to collect these accounts. And it would be best to move them as soon as you quit or retire.

Your Old 401(k): Out of Sight, Out of Mind and Out of Money
by Brian J. O'Connor

Your Life

Gut health focuses on a healthy gut microbiome and limited digestive symptoms. It compromises both a healthy upper and lower GI tract, which is basically your entire digestive system. Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and other microorganisms—which make up your gut microbiome. Good gut health occurs when you have a balance between the good (helpful) and bad (potentially harmful) bacteria and yeast in your digestive system. An unhealthy balance leads to digestive diseases and can also affect your heart, kidneys, and brain. Researchers are also beginning to study gut health in treating obesity. Ways to aid digestive problems include probiotics, prebiotics, & synbiotics. However, there is still no single proven treatment for everyone since gut microbiomes are unique. If and how treatments work can be different for everyone. Researchers continue to work on other remedies (see slide #16 for those other treatments that may surprise you).

How Your Gut Health Affects Your Whole Body
by Neha Pathak, MD

Complexity Simplified

An avocado, also known as alligator pear or butter fruit, is a produce favorite with dark green leathery skin and bright green fruit inside. You know you can find them in guacamole, salads, and wraps but also in less obvious things like brownies. While they are high in calories and fat, the fat is monosaturated fat (or good fat), and they contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. Avocados are also low in sugar and high in fiber—which are both good attributes for a healthy diet. Read on for everything you need to know about this superfood.

by Stephanie Booth


A: Black Hole
Q: Which 1998 Disney film was Lindsay Lohan’s film debut?

Back in 1969, this song reached #1

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