How will we afford longer lives?

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We've been keeping up with the latest headlines...
here are two of our favorites worth sharing.

Your Money

At PWM, we have been running financial plans to age 100 (and longer) for decades now. Some argue that it is too conservative, but we know the simple fact that Americans are living longer. Several think tanks have jumped on this crisis to tackle the economics of living to 100. 

The Pension Research Council and Wharton’s Boettner Center for Pensions and Retirement Security recently hosted a panel discussion on the topic, titled "Managing Longevity Risk: New Roles for Public/Private Engagement." Here are some ideas that may gain traction:

Expanding the Market for Property Tax Deferrals
Many states already do this. In essence, this would allow a senior homeowner to defer local taxes up to $1million (if the home's value is high enough). The state would reimburse the local municipalities and be paid back from the homeowner's estate upon sale or death.

The Opportunity in Reverse Mortgages
This is another way to access the value of a home without selling it. This strategy isn't popular in the US because potential borrowers are skeptical of scams, high fees, and foreclosure fears. In other countries, public-private partnerships have innovative reverse mortgage programs for the elderly, allowing them to borrow against the equity on their homes to retrofit the properties with railings or wider doors to accommodate wheelchairs and other needs.

The Attraction of Longevity Bonds
The idea here is to transfer longevity risk to life insurance and reinsurance companies, who repackage and sell them as a bond. The hurdle is the public appetite for investments the payout out, or perform better, the sooner someone dies.

The Economics of Living to 100
by Wharton Magazine

Your Life

The brain and heart are interrelated. According to the American Heart Association, when your brain is healthy, it has the blood flow required for peak performance. A healthy brain is essential for living a long and full life. When your brain is healthy, you’re better able to pay attention, solve problems, communicate, and much more. Poor brain health is more serious than you think:

  • Failing brain health is a public health epidemic.
  • The brain begins showing signs of cognitive decline as a person enters their 20s.
  • 3 out of 5 Americans will develop a brain disease in their lifetime.
  • By 2030, the total cost of Alzheimer’s, dementia, and stroke are expected to exceed $1 Trillion.

AHA also has a heart health score with recommendations to make improvements and track your progress.

What is brain health?
by the American Heart Association

Complexity Simplified

This one is painful for me. Typing 2 spaces in between sentences/punctations are no longer necessary. I’m crying now, and I’ve had to re-type this article to delete that extra space.

Nothing Says Over 40 Like Two Spaces after a Period!
by Jennifer Gonzalez


A: Boxing Day
Q: Which of Shakespeare’s plays is the longest?

Back in 1997, this song reached #1

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