How to plan when the future is foggy at best?

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Having a plan is one of the best stress-reduction strategies out there. As humans, we crave feeling like we’re in control and that we have certainty. In fact, research shows that a sense of control helps us stave off symptoms of depression and anxiety and can even decrease mortality risk. And as it turns out, the more we crave control, the higher-achieving we tend to be.

After events like a global pandemic, long-term planning seems more and more like an illusion in the face of so much uncertainty. So maybe the 5-year plan is dead...or does it just need to be revamped with a fresh look at timeframe and goals?

If you want to thrive and be part of meaningful change, adaptability is the key ingredient. This new brand of adaptability channels our desire to make a strategic plan while building in planned checkpoints for course correction as new information arises and circumstances shift. It’s called micro-planning.

Microplanning takes a larger vision and breaks it down into yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily check-in practices to plan and adjust as necessary.

How to Plan Your Life When the Future Is Foggy at Best
by Kate Northrup

Your Life

Vaccinations are slowly making their way around the world. With that, plans are starting to develop to either drop border restrictions or significantly ease them for travelers who have been fully vaccinated. From Cyprus to The Seychelles, here are seven destinations from CNN Travel that are reopening to tourists who have fully received the COVID-19 vaccine.

It is still important to note that although many are around 95% effective, there is a chance you can still become infected and spread the virus to others.

The destinations open to travelers vaccinated against Covid-19
by Tamara Hardingham-Gill

Complexity Simplified

Ever been curious about those dry cleaning kits you can buy at the grocery store and use at home? Not only is it a time-saver (saves you trips to and from the dry cleaner), but it can save you a ton of money on dry cleaning. Well, here’s the verdict, and an alternative to really clean your own ‘dry clean only’ garments effectively and affordably.

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Use Home Dry Clean Kits, According to a Laundry Expert
by Ashley Abramson


A: The Dakota Building
Q: How many of Snow White’s seven dwarfs have names that end with Y?

Back in 1968, this song reached #1

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