Are three pictures then worth 3,000 words?

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We've been keeping up with the latest headlines...
here are two of our favorites worth sharing.

Your Money

Over the last couple of months, I've seen some thought-provoking charts make their way around the financial news channels. I thought I'd share a few of them and offer my take.

#1 The non-profitable tech index has gone parabolic.  While chasing the stock of a hot new technology may sound exciting, we are positioning portfolios away from speculation toward a sustainable and broader global recovery. This includes incorporating equal-weighted, not cap-weighted, strategies.

#2 China grew through Covid, and that trend is forecasted to accelerate, while growth in the US returns to trend. Experts have been predicting that China would become the world's largest economy for decades now. This new forecast accelerates the timing. We are positioning our portfolios for a more sustainable and broader global recovery. This includes emerging markets, and China (believe it or not) is still considered an emerging market.

#3 There are certainly some similarities between these two groups. It looks to me like the red categories are hard to import and don't benefit much from the advances in manufacturing technologies. The blue categories certainly benefited from those two factors. We are positioning our portfolios for a more sustainable and broader global recovery. This includes proactive thinking on strategies to tackle a weaker dollar and rising inflation.

Your Life

Many of us are planning to age at home because that is what we want to do. According to some estimates, a home health attendant can cost between $2,000 to $5,000 per month. If needed, the average cost of a nursing home in New York City (for example) is over $10,000 per month, with some facilities charging over $15,000 per month.

Paying privately for these services can quickly bankrupt most middle-class people, even with savings. Most nursing home stays begin with a period of “rehabilitation” covered by Medicare and Insurance, but that only lasts 20 – 100 days. If you still require services after the “rehab period” is over, you will be deemed a Long-Term Care case, and the nursing home will begin seeking payment from you or your family.

The better option may be to try to plan ahead and make yourself eligible for Medicaid benefits.  Each state has its own resource limit before eligible for Medicaid benefits.  Continuing with New York as an example, the resource limit is $15,450.  Most middle-class people own property and have assets over $15,450; therefore, it is not always easy to obtain Medicaid benefits unless you plan in advance.  You can start protecting your assets from Medicaid by placing them in an Irrevocable Trust in many cases. This can protect your assets and allow you to become eligible for Medicaid to cover Long-Term Care expenses eventually.

A good elder care attorney should be part of your advisory team. They become invaluable when working through these strategies.  If you need a referral, drop us a line.

Why Long Term Care Expenses can Bankrupt You
by Silvagni & Como

Complexity Simplified

Joan Didion is a highly accomplished American writer. At 86 years old, she is still writing, and her no-nonsense personality shines through in this interview that is humorous, candidly frank, and insightful. She remains a person that people (especially women) of all ages can look for inspiration, encouragement, and strength.

My wine bills have gone down -- an interview with Joan Didion
by Lucy Feldman


A: Mr. Potato Head
Q: What is the tiny piece at the end of a shoelace called?

Back in 1977, this song reached #1

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